Saturday 9 March 2013

Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


  1. Label as G321 Thriller Evaluation.

  2. Apologies for the delay - I've been watching bit by bit and making notes.

    This is a well-presented evaluation of the conventions and the techniques you use to create the connotations.

    Your discussion of specific shots used in the opening to create claustrophiobia and the compositional technique of centre framing for impact is particularly strong and demonstrates the specific creative decisions you made and the impact of other thrillers on your creative decisions.

    I like the reference to Chinatown/ Jack Nicholson (it would be useful to include a still from this to support your point - if this is tricky to re-edit in to place the you could add a powerpoint below of this and other images referred to (location in Harry Brown, Essex Boys, the chest in Pulp Fiction, The Third Man staircase, Catch Me If You Can/ Panic Room titles, Ryan Gosling in Drive, Utopia, German Expressionism, Casino Royale, The Godfather etc).

    Your points are specific, detailed and focused, and you use terminology effectively to discuss aspects such as the letterboxing, enigma etc. You explore cinematographic techniques, narrative devices (the bag), aspects of mise en scene, editing and colour grading with detail and sophistication. The discussion of the framing at 07.04 is particularly sophisticated and highly analytical.

    Nice dip to black at the end. Closure.

    Single thing to improve: add images from other thrillers to support your points.

  3. Don't worry about that, i realise it's a very long video. Thank you for taking the time to watch it properly.

    Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad it covers the areas needed and the points I wanted to get across.

    I agree entirely that the images are needed. I had thought of this when I edited the video before hand, but it was nearly 2 am and I needed sleep. I'll get this done one way or the other pronto.

    I'm sure you were relieved to see the black fade in.


  4. The addition of the images makes this a stronger video essay. Nicely done.

    "I'm sure you were relieved to see the black fade in." Never - seeing work like this is one of the highlights of my job.
